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Name Dr. Vishweshwara Rao Date : 11/08/2015 Comments

My family and I want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your music.

Our son Dev 2.5 years old has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The one-thing that keeps him centred and happy is your album Kashmir and your track Confluence. We don't know what we would have done without your compositions. They are playing a vital role in our entire life.

Please keep getting inspired and creating music that touches lives of people in ways that are unfathomable.

With all the love and respect available in our hearts,


Name Padma Date : 13/12/2010 Comments u r taking the instrument and indian classical music around the globe. music is divine. u r spreading spirituality and peace through ur music. listening to this instrument gives me great pleasure and relaxation. words cannot describe some of the great feelings. i wish u success whereever u go. may god bless u!

Name Richa M Date : 05/12/2010 Comments Hi Rahul!! Am a huge fan of your music. Your tour schedule says you will be performing in Kolkata on Dec 12, 2010 and Jan 17, 2011. It would be great if one could find out where these performances will be. Never seen you perform live. Would love to do so!!!! Thanks!

Name Aditya Date : 08/10/2010 Comments Hi Rahul, just came across your album "White". It's mesmerizing. Good work, keep it up

Name Niriksha Singh Date : 10/01/2014 Comments Namaste Rahul Sharma. I thoroughly enjoy your music and find it to be enjoyable and at the same time extremely spiritual and meditative. I dont know much about classical music and neither do I have any musical talent and i have always longed to be musically inclined. But i have found that just by being able to listen to the sounds of your santoor is fulfilling enough. thank you for the simple pleasures in life!

Name harini Date : 07/01/2014 Comments I absolutely loved your performance in MoodI I wish you had played one more piece!!